

Might you be interested in a collaboration?

This is my site:


Please notice that there’s a $20.00 annual subscription product.  The margins are about 60% because I limit the pool size to 200 shares.   Here are the rules:


This page pitches the value of limiting participation to 200:  Click Here.

Black Line Lotto

I propose you aggressively promote Lotto Central on Rantingly.com, and through mailing lists, you may have.

I will pay you half of the initial subscription receipts for every sale. When PayPal or Stripe fees are netted out, it will be slightly less than half the advertised $20.00.

In the first year, you’d receive the lion’s share of the receipts, with me retaining the remainder to ensure we hold the tickets backing up the game. 

In second and subsequent years, we’d split that amount.  You’d receive $5.00, I’d receive $5.00, and I’d retain the remainder to ensure the tickets are in place to support the game.

Twenty dollars a year is insignificant to most people, resulting in few cancellations.  Once someone registers, they stay registered.  Rantingly is a great site.  Participation in the game gives your readers an additional reason to support you.

Should we proceed, I believe that Rantingly.com will generate most of the new subscriptions.  Given this, I would attribute all new sales to Rantingly.com from our start date.

Working together, I think we could generate a significant number of subscriptions.  In addition to operating the site, I would provide you with collateral and other assets to advertise the activity.

Note that the $20.00 subscription fee is not an impediment to anyone. Further, once subscribers are subscribed, they are unlikely to cancel. 

I think we should do this and reevaluate our results after a year. If everything has gone well, I’ll raise the price. Over time, this could be a substantial source of recurring income.

May we discuss it further?

Dave Zenker

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